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Shapeshifter is a special pirate class whose job is to sow chaos during the game. This class is unique to the black team (Pirate team) though players in normal teams have a small chance to randomly pick this class. They can shapeshift into various forms with different abilities. This class is the pirate variant of Scout.

Free during PrepareYes
Can destroy spawnsNo
Base value Ri100
Logarithmic kill value1.15
Scaling factor αi2

Item Equip

Start Items

Item Amount Flags Notes
Pirate's Portal Gun* 1 Bound
Shapeshift 1 Bound

* - only when in a Pirate team

Spawn Items

Item Amount Flags Notes
Cithare Compass 1 DnD
Bread 16
Stone Sword 1 DnD
Stone Pickaxe 1 DnD
Stone Axe 1 DnD


The Shapeshifter can change into seven different forms using their ability. When shapeshifting, the ability goes on 30 second cooldown. Some forms aren't always avilable. Shapeshifter's inventory is hidden and they cannot pick up items. They recieve an infinite bread, Shape Back ability, which transforms them back. They also get items and active/passive abilities corresponding to their forms, which are:

  • Skeleton
    • Burns under the sun.
    • Has an infinity bow (with arrow).
    • Must be in complete darkness to transform.
  • Dolphin
    • Has permanent Water Breathing and Dolphin's Grace.
    • Starts drowning when not touching water.
    • No other items.
    • Must be in water to transform.
  • Chicken
    • Has permanent Slow Falling effect.
    • No other items.
    • No restrictions on transforming.
  • Zombie
    • Burns under the sun. Has permanent Resistance I.
    • Has a stone sword.
    • Must be in complete darkness to transform.
  • Spider
    • Has permanent Night Vision and Weawing (better movement through cobwebs).
    • Has a stone sword.
    • Must be in complete darkness to transform.
  • Creeper
    • Can self-detonate.
    • No other items.
    • Must be in complete darkness to transform.
  • Enderman
    • Has an infinite Ender pearl. Hurt by water and rain.
    • Has an iron sword.
    • No restrictions on transforming.