Cithare Compass

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Cithare Compass
Default FlagDnD
Left Click Action
ActionShow distance to Target
TargetAir, Block
Right Click Action
ActionSelect Target
TargetAir, Block

Cithare Compass is special item used to navigate to flags, own team's spawn and team's portals. It is the only item in universal equip given to each player on spawn regardless of their class.

Target Selection

GUI of target selection for Cithare Compass. You can see Lime Team Spawn, 8 flags and one pair of portals. The first flag is tagged with Flag Tag and is captured by Lime Team..

The target selection menu can be opened by right-clicking with Cithare Compass in the main hand.


Historically this functionality was on a regular compass and did not have the target selection menu. Target was selected by scrolling the mouse wheel while sneaking.