Invisibility Powder

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Invisibility Powder
Default FlagBound
Left Click Action
TargetAir, Block
Cooldown2 min
Right Click Action
TargetAir, Block
Cooldown2 min

Invisibility Powder is Scout's special ability. It allows them to go invisible or disguise themselves as other players.


The ability opens a window, in which the Scout can choose who to disguise themselves as. The disguise lasts until death, hitting an enemy or being hit by Dust of Appearance. Teammates see through the disguise.


This ability makes the player completely invisible. This invisibility is complete, unlike the normal potion invisibility. This means not even armor, items in main-hand and off-hand, being on fire or being pincushioned by arrows is visible. Other players can see the hit indicator when close enough and aiming at the Scout. Teammates can see through the invisiblity. This ability lasts for 30 seconds or until the player hits an enemy, uses Flint and Steel or a bucket or is hit by Dust of Appearance. If the invisiblity is broken by attacing an enemy, the player will always deal 6HP (3 hearts) of damage regardless of weapon and enemy armor. This ability cannot be used when affected by Glowing.


Invisibility can be used both as an escape mechanism and as to fight initiation. Having first hit on an enemy is a major advantage.

An invisible player can still be spotted when running as the sprinting particles are still visible.


Previously,this item was able to use the Dust of Appearance instead of Disguise.

The invisibility ability was previously semi-perfect (not hiding item in the main hand) and the player could attack without losing the invisibility.