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Revision as of 17:58, 17 December 2022 by NaCleric (talk | contribs) (described passive)
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Marksman is a combat class based around archery. They spawn with a bow and half a stack of arrows, which is their main combat advantage. They are able to Flag Tag, which allows them to "watch" a certain flag and see who controls it. They can also predict the weather. Since they don't drop their bow and have a small bounty, they are an ideal choice for new players.

Free during PrepareNo
Can destroy spawnsNo
Base value Ri50
Logarithmic kill value0.98
Scaling factor αi1.7

Item Equip

Start Items

Item Amount Flags Notes
Flag Tag 1 Bound
Arrow 32

Spawn Items

Item Amount Flags Notes
Cithare Compass 1 DnD
Bread 16
Stone Sword 1 DnD
Stone Pickaxe 1 DnD
Stone Axe 1 DnD
Bow 1 DnD Fully-unbreaking
Iron Shovel 1 DnD
Arrow 32
Leather Helmet 1
Leather Chestplate 1
Leather Leggings 1
Leather Boots 1

Item drops on death

Item Amount Drop Chance
Bow 1 50%

Special Mechanics

Marksman has two special abilities. The first one is the Flag Tag. The other is Weather Forecast. The player can see when the next rains starts and how long it's going to last in their TAB menu beneath their K/D/A numbers.


Marksman should attempt to steal as many kills from their teammates as possible, since they have a small bounty base value and slow bounty scaling.

Try to stay outside of melees and snipe enemies instead - use your only advantage well.

Marksmen usually fit well together with Gladiators.


Marksman was the last class to get a special ability (in version 0.11.0) (aside from Warrior, who still doesn't have one).