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Revision as of 08:45, 26 February 2023 by NaCleric (talk | contribs) (shield flag updated)
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ColorDark Red
Free during PrepareNo
Can destroy spawnsYes
Base value Ri80
Logarithmic kill value1.1
Scaling factor αi1.4

Engineer is a support class based around building and providing mobility to their team. They can use their special item Portal Gun to create portals that allow for fast travel across the map. They also have their Remote Detonator, which can be used for controlled demolitions or minefields. Engineer gets an empty bucket, TNT as well as Flint and Steel, which make them useful in siege situations on either defensive or offensive side. Outside of those items, they have no combat advantage over other classes, which makes them one of the weakest classes in direct combat. They also spawn with blocks and Scaffolding, which allow them to quickly reach hard-to-reach areas such as the top of Last Watch or Grandma's Hut.

Item Equip

Start Items

Item Amount Flags Notes
Portal Gun 1 Bound
Remote Detonator 1 Bound
Dispenser† 1
Piston† 3
Redstone† 64
Slime Block† 5

† - in Ender chest

Spawn Items

Item Amount Flags Notes
Cithare Compass 1 DnD
Bread 16
Stone Sword 1 DnD
Stone Pickaxe 1 DnD
Iron Shovel 1 DnD
Team Shield 1 Locked Vanishing
Bucket 1
Flint and Steel 1
Dust of Appearance 2
Scaffolding 25
Stone Bricks 64

Special Mechanics

Engineer can destroy spawns and has two other special abilities.

Portal Gun

This ability has two modes, which can be swapped using the Swap Offhand button while holding it.

  • Classic mode
    • Left and Right mouse clicks build an azure and magenta portal respectively. When stepping on the portal's pressure plate, the player is teleported to the other portal after a 5 second delay.
    • Both portals make a loud noise on activation. All players can use these portals.
    • Travel cooldown is tied to each player an is currently 40 seconds.
    • If one of the portals is destroyed during the teleportation event, the teleport is cancelled.
    • The placement cooldown is 4 minutes for each portal independently.
  • Spawn mode
    • Right-clicking creates a single portal, which is linked to the player's spawn. At spawn, a button can be used to teleport to the portal. If there are multiple spawn portals used by the team, a window lets the player decide where to teleport to.
    • The portal and spawn both make a loud noise on activation. Can be used only by allies.
    • Teleport delay is 5 seconds and the teleport can be interrupted by destroying the spawn or the portal.
    • Travel cooldown is tied to each player an is currently 100 seconds.
    • The placement cooldown is 4 minutes. If the portal was destroyed, it triggers a 5 minute cooldown instead.

If a portal from one mode is placed, all portals created by the player in the other mode are automatically destroyed.

Remote Detonator

  • Right-click
    • Places a TNT from the player's inventory. If the player has no TNT, nothing is placed.
  • Left-click
    • Primes all TNT placed using Remote Detonator by this player.


An engineer has no inherent mobility skills outside of their Portal Gun, so it is imperative to place portals as soon as possible lest they get killed by a more combat-oriented opponent. The portals should be hidden because they can be easily destroyed by anyone.

Use your reveal dusts before death so enemies don't get them from you.

A team containing an Engineer might consider placing their spawn point near a lava lake, as that will give the Engineer a guaranteed lava bucket in every life.