Portal Gun

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Portal Gun
Default FlagBound
Left Click Action
ActionAzure Portal
Cooldown4 min
Right Click Action
ActionMagenta Portal
Cooldown4 min
Alternative Right Click Action
ActionSpawn Portal
Cooldown4 min
Cooldown if destroyed5 min

Portal Gun allows its user to place portals which allow for near-instanteous travel. Portal Gun has two modes, which can be switched between using the Swap Offhand button. A portal is destroyed by breaking any of its blocks. Its builder can also remove it by placing a new portal somewhere else. Portals need to be placed several blocks away from flags, spawn points, and other portals.

In classic mode, left-clicking places the azure portal, right-click places the magenta portal. Both portals have a separate placement cooldown of 4 minutes and a travel cooldown of 40 seconds which is used for each player independentnly. The portal is used by stepping on the pressure plate. There is a 5 second wind-up during which the teleport can be interrupted by breaking one of the portals or killing the teleporting player. Using the portal makes a sound that can be heard from a moderate distance. Enemy players can use these portals.

In spawn mode, right-click places a spawn portal. It is linked directly to the placer's spawn. To travel from spawn to a spawn portal, the player needs to press the button which is placed on the spawn. If there are multiple spawn portals owned by the team, a window is opened, in which one can choose where to travel to. To travel in the other direction, player must step on a pressure plate on the portal. The portal has a 4 minute placement cooldown (5 minutes when destroyed) and 100 second travel cooldown. Teleportation works the same as in classic mode. Spawn portals can be used only by team members.

Portal Gun is mainly a class ability of Engineer, but members of the pirate team and Pirate specifically carry Pirate's Portal Gun, which can create only spawn portals.

Portals as created by the Portal Gun in the classic mode. Green Team banners are replaced by the builder's team banners.
Spawn portal belonging to Green Team.