Flags are capture points in the Cithare plugin for Minecraft. Holding a Flag is the main source of score points for the Siege Teams, so they are key instruments of the victory.
Each flag consist of a base of nine Iron Blocks in 3x3 horizontal square. Attached on the bottom of the middle Iron Block is a Conduit, laid on the top of the same Iron Block is an active Beacon surrounded by eight Carpets. On top of the beacon is a single block of Tinted Glass of the colour of the Siege Team who has captured the Flag. If no Team has the Flag claimed, the Tinted Glass is white. A quick look at the Beacon beam of light thus gives away what team is currently holding an approached Flag.
Valiant conqueror or ruthless pirate, friend or foe, heed my words: You might be looking for Scoring to calculate how many score points a Flag contributes to your Team at any given moment. You shall not find that here.
At the beginning of the game the Glass and Carpets are white, meaning that the Flag is unclaimed. When a member of any of the Team breaks the Glass, the Flag begins to be contested by their team over the course of 32 seconds. For each second the Flag is contested a tile of Carpet around the Flag changes colour to the assigned colour of contesting team. During the contesting period the Flag contributes to the score of the Team that has is currently captured, not the team that is contesting it.
After the 32 seconds of the contesting period the Flag is captured by the Siege Team that has successfully contested it or becomes unclaimed if it has been successfully contested by the Pirate Team. A Flag can be contested by multiple Teams at once and is captured by the last Team to be conquesting it when the conquest period is over.
In the Cithare Throne Room the Banner representing a Flag is White if it is unclaimed and in the colour of the capturing Siege Team if it is captured. Additionally it is diagonally crossed in the colours of the contesting Team whenever that flag is contested.
Flag Types
The Siege of Cithare currently knows three types of Flags.
Main Flags
Static Flags are always active over the course of the game and at the beginning of the game are unclaimed. In the Cithare Palace Throne Room each Static Flag is represented by two Banners and a Sign with the Flag's name. No spawn can be placed in a radius of 110 blocks from the Main Flag at any height.
The Main Flags are: Cithare Palace, Crossroads, Last Watch, and Steep.
Travelling Flags
Travelling Flags are inactive at the start of the game excpet one chosen at random. Whenever a Travelling Flag is activated,i t is announced in the chat for all players. An active Travelling Flag remains active for 20 minutes after which it deactivates and all progress on it is reset. A new Travelling Flag is chosen randomly for activation and announced in the chat 5 minutes before the current Travelling Flag deactivates and it is activated 5 minutes later. Therefore exactly 1 Travelling Flag is always active. A Travelling Flag can never be activated twice in one game.
In the Cithare Palace Throne Room the active Travelling Flag is represented by one Banner and a Sign saying "Travelling Flag". Otherwise the Travelling Flags function identically to Main Flags.
The Travelling Flags are: Grandma's Hut, Fairy Rings, Secret Sanctuary, and Sunken Shrine. Ruins of Zamar, while being marked as a Travelling Flag, never activates in a game.
Bonus Flag
At 15:00 and 45:00 a random currently active Flag becomes a Bonus Flag for 5 minutes. Which Flag is about to become a Bonus Flag is announced in the chat in advance. A Bonus Flag gives the Team currently holding it more score points.
- All Flags are situated north of Chapel of Mary Magdelene.
- Main Flags are sometimes referred to as perma-Flags, Static Flags, non-Travelling flags or simply Flags.
- Only one light beam from a flag ought to be visible at the same time from the ground level.
- The Cithare Palace Throne Room is a strategic location to keep track of which team is holding which Flag. The only other to know who holds or conquests which Flag without personally checking is the Marksman's Flag Tag.
- Despite Flags featuring heavily, the Siege of Cithare is not Capture-the-Flag style of game, as the Flags remain at their place and are not carried anywhere. Yet a certain contributor the the Cithare Wiki stubbornly calls it just so.
- An additional Flag used to be in Bandit's Stronghold in the early development of the Siege of Cithare, but has been since then removed, as the area was too remote to be conquested at a beneficial level. Ruins of Zamar have been deactivated for similar reasons, but the Flag location there has remained as a token of respect for the location¨s contribution to the development.