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Flags are capture points in the Cithare plugin for Minecraft. Holding a Flag is the main source of score points for the Siege Teams, so they are key instruments of the victory.


Each flag consist of a base of nine Iron Blocks in 3x3 horizontal square. Attached on the bottom of the middle Iron Block is a Conduit, laid on the top of the same Iron Block is an active Beacon surrounded by eight Carpets. On top of the beacon is a single block of Glass.


At the beginning of the game the Glass and Carpets are white, meaning that the Flag is unclaimed. When a member of any of the Team breaks the Glass, the Flag begins to be contested by their team over the course of 8 seconds. For each second the Flag is contested a tile of Carpet around the Flag changes colour to the assigned colour of contesting team. During the contesting period the Flag contributes to the score of the Team that has is currently captured, not the team that is contesting it. A Flag can be contested only by one Team at the time. A Flag is contested anew whenever its Glass is broken, except when it is broken by the member of the Team already contesting in, in which case nothing happens, or the Team which has it already captured, in which case the contesting is reverted.

After the 8 seconds of the contesting period the Flag is captured by the Siege Team that has successfully contested it or becomes unclaimed if it has been successfully contested by the Pirate Team.

In the Cithare Throne Room the Banner representing a Flag is White (with the Citharian Cross of Magdelene) if it is unclaimed and in the colour of the capturing Siege Team if it is captured. Additionally it is diagonally crossed in the colours of the contesting Team whenever that flag is contested.