Last Watch (Water)

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Last Watch Tower

Last Watch is a flag present in the Cithare Water map, that is placed in the top section of an old tower. It lies north-west of Serpentown and north-east of Crossroads (map). Only one pathway leads connects it to the rest of the map, which connects to the road between Serpentown and Crossroads. There are also stairs that lead to the river below allowing relatively easy access. A barrel containing loot with one rare slot is located next to the path to the tower. The top of the tower is inhabited by a wandering trader named "Lord ze stráže" (Lord of the Watch).

There are several landmines hidden around the plateau on which the tower is built; the player should be cautious where they step.


Before you capture the Last watch flag, it is advised to gather some blocks, as the tower is often blown up or its stairs are burned, making the flag unreachable. There are several tree nearby that can serve as a source of blocks.

Nearby caves can be a good place to hide a Portal. Last Watch is an ideal spot for those, because of its position and altitude.